Qigong with Martha

Bringing an ancient energy practice to modern life and health

What is Qigong?

The National Insitute for Health (NIH) describes Qigong, pronounced “Chee Gung,” as a practice in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) involving the use of gentle exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit to restore balance in the body.

Qigong is comprised of four fundamental components:

  • Movement/posture

  • Breath work

  • Self-massage

  • Meditation

Martha demonstrates “Showering Qi,” a short, restorative movement.

Experience Qigong with Martha

The goal of Qigong is to improve and maintain health and well-being by improving the flow of Qi or vital energy in the body. It is considered the grandmother of Tai Chi.

I see real value in bringing programs to groups and individuals in wellness and health care settings. I also offer group classes for the public. The goal of my teaching is to help improve the body and physical health, and quiet the mind.

Qigong with Martha

Qi is the vital energy or life force of all living beings.

Gong is the regulation of Qi through practice.

Free consultation

Would you like to bring a program to your wellness or health care setting? I offer a free consultation so you can learn more about the types of Qigong programs I offer for wellness and recovery goals.